With: Lee R. Lambert, PMP, CEO

While the advent of Artificial Intelligence promises to have a significant positive impact on the project management profession and those who call themselves Project Management Professionals, it is essential to recognize that, like most new PM tools, the good comes with some challenges that need to be understood. Adjustments must be made to ensure proper attention is given to the most applicable use of AI by PEOPLE. 

This presentation will examine some of the most valuable and beneficial characteristics of AI and the awareness and understanding by the “user group” necessary to reap the rewards of appropriate implementation and utilization of AI.

AI makes it easy to consider alternatives rather than repeating the same approach and getting the same disappointing results.

As Albert Einstein is often (mis)attributed with saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” AI will enable users to consider potential risk exposure based on past events and allow consideration of which (if any) risk handling techniques will be most effective.

AI has myriad uses, and Lee R. Lambert will examine many of the most useful ones while sharing the cautions that must be considered. Lee will allude to his experience gained over five decades in the PM profession and how it relates to the “new” – not really – phenomenon called AI.

20.8.24 יום ג'
21:30 – 20:30

בואו נשמור על קשר...

אנא הקדישו רגע מזמנכם למלא את טופס הרישום לצורך קבלת תוכן מקצועי.
זה יעזור לנו להבין את צרכיכם המדויקים ולהתאים את התכנים שלנו לדרישותיכם.